The Team
Manual Atlanta's team is composed of outstanding individuals I've met over the years, some before I ever ventured to Atlanta. They are dedicated to Manual's mission through their work in the local arts, higher education, and community efforts. Manual Atlanta is enriched by their contributions.
- Al
Alex Duncan
Chief Editor
Put simply, I love Atlanta and everyone who brings it to life. Nothing energizes me more than the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and concerns with my neighbors, a well from which innovation and compassion overflow. After eight years in Atlanta, I have nestled into the community and met countless devoted neighbors, all the while Atlanta has transformed before my eyes. While some of these changes have brought us health and happiness, I have seen others push us apart.
Although change can seem out of our control, we hold more power than we think. I believe the way to harness this power is through accessible, community-oriented resources that give us a deeper understanding of one another and equip us with tools to create realistic plans for social change that represent all of our communities' needs. I publish Manual Atlanta as an extension of this philosophy: turning residents of a city into citizens of Atlanta. It acts as a springboard for change and a soundboard to amplify voices from every hill and valley. Let's create a better Atlanta together - I sure hope to meet you along the way.
Amy Gregg
Assistant Editor
I am master's of public health candidate at Emory University exploring social justice via health advocacy through an intersectional lens. More specifically, I am interested in how we can create new power structures and pathways for all communities to have a seat at the table when making decisions that impact our quality of life here in Atlanta. Local civic engagement increases our personal sense of agency by equipping us with the know-how to enact solutions through a bottom-up approach rather than a top-down route.
Additionally, I enjoy eating peanut butter by the spoonful, talking about horoscopes, and spending far too long in used bookstores.
Julia Mangia
Assistant Editor
I am a native Georgian currently residing in Boston while earning my masters degree at Boston University School of Public Health. I am passionate about social and environmental justice. In Boston I spend my time exploring the city by bike, decorating cakes, grant writing, and contributing to sustainability efforts on my campus and for the City of Boston. I am so excited to be a part of the Manual, as Atlanta is where my heart is.
Db Woolbright & Wesley Forlines
FormFunc, Graphic Design & Creative Strategy
Together, Wesley and DB combine as FormFunc, a design collaborative for creative projects. Their work can be found on projects large and small - from a local spot's event poster to their recent art installation on the BeltLine, The Service Station.
DB and Wesley lend their skills to Manual Atlanta by making each issue's content beautiful, accessible, and engaging. They offer an endless stream of creative, community-oriented ideas that keep Manual fun.
Amanda Morris
Marketing and Social Media Strategy
By day, Amanda specializes in paid digital media marketing and search engine optimization as an Assistant Account Executive at Edelman's Atlanta offices, although she claimed Atlanta as her home a few years prior en route to her master's degree in Communications from Georgia State University.
In her spare time, she generously counsels Manual Atlanta's team on effective strategies to reach as many readers as possible and engage the community in discussion on social media platforms.
Special Thanks
Chris Barnes
Daniel, Web Consultant
Chris Barnes is a full stack developer + creative specializing in UX Design with a knack for making websites easy on the human brain and turning data into beautiful visuals. Manual Atlanta is very fortunate to have his helping hand in all things web. Without his assistance, this page may very well look like a 90's conspiracy theory message board.
Molly and Bill Barney
Automated Print, Printing and Circulation
Molly and Bill Barney of Automated Print have over 40 years of experience in printing local publications from worship service pamphlets to daily menus to community event posters. Unlike many peers, their technicians are masters in offset lithography, honoring traditional practices that produce beautiful works. Doing what others could not, they devised a way to meet Manual's unique print needs and turn it into something sustainable.